The HearYourselfThink Blog:
The “War on Christmas” is Really the War on Dickens
The “War on Christmas” is really the War on to fashion a blunt instrument out of a season of cheer,...

After the Marches, Keep on Walking the Walk to Defend Democracy
The marches across America yesterday were an inspiring demonstration of hope blooming in the face of adversity. It was also...
A HearYourselfThink Year-in-Review
Erin and I quit our safe, steady-paying organizer gigs over a year ago to found HearYourselfThink because we realized then...

Talk It Out: Communication Bootcamp Series with ProgressPA
Do you have friends and family who buy into “The Big Lie” about the election, COVID conspiracies, and Qanon? Are you ready to defend truth and defeat disinformation? Join us for our three-part “Talk it Out” Communications Bootcamp, hosted in partnership with...
TRAINING: Defend The Truth. Defeat The Lies.
It’s up to us to make sure lies are no longer the glide path to power and profit for demagogues and manipulators who will use them to destroy our democracy without hesitation. Sign up now for our latest training on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd (8pm ET / 5pm PT) and get prepared...
Free Screening: “Merchants of Doubt” Documentary
"That which is revealed, cannot be concealed." - Jamy Ian Swiss Find out what energy and chemical companies learned from cigarette makers to cause citizens to ignore climate science at our peril. Join the HearYourselfThink Project for a special screening of “Merchants...

Howling at the Moon in Moon, PA: Media-Driven Satanic Panic Fuels Hillary Hatred at Trump Rally
Thousands of hardcore supporters turned out for another Western PA Trump campaign stop in Moon today, just two days before...

Martians and Witches and Clinton, oh my! Mass Delusion in the age of Trump is Dragging us to Hell.
Many people are asking this question... That sounds like a Trumpism but -- with varying degrees of alarm, disbelief, and...
The HearYourselfThink Project is a 501c3 non-profit that defends American values of truth, reason, and the common good by exposing how demagogues tap into the reptilian mind to divide and conquer. We are 100% funded by small donations.
Dave & Erin Ninehouser, Co-Founders
P.O. Box 116
Ambridge, PA 15003
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