Our Mission
Long before 2016, HearYourselfThink Co-founders Dave and Erin Ninehouser recognized that right-wing propaganda was poisoning the public channels of communication and posed a grave threat to our democracy. As grassroots canvassers with a combined two decades of Rustbelt organizing experience, they founded the HearYourselfThink Project in 2011 to expose the demagogues and begin to deprogram America from media indoctrination.
What We Do
We are all living through a hard lesson in how powerful and destructive a force propaganda can be when it is allowed to run rampant in a democratic society. But it is not all-powerful. While some people seem to be indoctrinated beyond hope, there are many who are reachable.
Our training shares insights into how to engage people with more-light-less-heat conversations that can “puncture the propaganda” and move the interaction out of the reactive mind and into the reflective mind. Demagogues have worked to make politics intensely personal in a way that divides us; we will help you make it personal in a way that can reconnect us.
Our Impact
“Their presentation is fantastic. Dave and Erin talk with you not at you. Engaging and informative. They are also tireless activists who knock on doors and put themselves into rough circumstances trying to make a difference.” – Roxanne, Lock Haven, PA

The HearYourselfThink Project is a 501c3 non-profit that defends American values of truth, reason, and the common good by exposing how demagogues tap into the reptilian mind to divide and conquer. We are 100% funded by small donations.
Dave & Erin Ninehouser, Co-Founders
P.O. Box 116
Ambridge, PA 15003
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