Recently, the Heritage Foundation held a “town hall meeting” in Pittsburgh. I was one of eight there with a small sign that simply said “LIE” because if I heard a lie, I intended to hold it up. My intention was not to disrupt or make any kind of scene. I simply wanted to let the group know that they were being given misinformation (“Obamacare Battle Scenes,” Early Returns, Aug. 29). We all need to make decisions about health care in the future and we should make those decisions based on accurate information.

…Groups like Heritage have a lot of money to spread lies, but the truth always prevails. Obamacare works; it’s already saving lives and it will save many more when it’s fully in place. 

[read the full letter over at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]

Stop the Lies on Obamacare (PG LTE 9-8-13)