Deprogram America

Spoiler alert: Fox “News” is not the news. It’s a right-wing political propaganda machine disguising itself as a “fair and balanced” source of information. 

Art by Bill Plympton for the documentary film, "The Brainwashing of My Dad"

Art by Bill Plympton for the documentary film, “The Brainwashing of My Dad”

It has been called talk radio for television — and many of its on-air personalities also have their own talk radio programs running concurrently.

As the Fox/talk radio echo chamber has aggressively exploited the general deterioration of distinctions between news and entertainment, information and opinion, and fact and fiction, millions of Americans have fallen victim to ideological indoctrination by continual exposure to sources that amplify and confirm their biases and preconceptions.

The first step to freeing America from the toxic influence of the Right-Wing Media Noise Machine is to pull back the curtain and expose it for what it is and for the harm it is inflicting on our culture, communities and Democracy.

Fortunately, there’s plenty of ammunition to help us in this effort.

We should take heart that we are seeing the beginning of a shift where Americans (including high-profile Republicans) are increasingly aware of, and vocal about, the concerted effort by the extreme Right to manipulate the media toward a radical ideological agenda and the dangerous consequences for our country.

It’s time for all of us to speak up for media sanity! 

Click here to download our “Deprogrammer Guide” and call us [412.370.5247] to talk through your plan of action.

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